Thank you again for the recent reading and recording. I listened to it in my
studio yesterday--the experience was revealing and yielded a number of
insights which seemed elusive at the time.
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That reading was so so so like all the things. Lots of gratitude for you Ian. You do amazing work.
I felt a big shift after the reading. I haven't connected that deeply with myself in a long time. I still feel a little black rain cloud over me but it isn't weighing me down the way it was.
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And just to say that what you do is beautiful. You have a way of connecting with people's issues and charts in a way that almost feels psychic. Honestly, I so very much appreciate your work.
Thank YOU! I didn't know whether I would cry or laugh upon leaving, but I am glad to report that I laughed. So much to process, will take me a while. You're extremely skilled at doing this and I will definitely recommend you to others who are willing to explore things that lie beyond the obvious.